this means造句
- Do you have the slightest notion of what this means ?
你能明白一点儿这是什么意思吗? - By this means she cast in a bone between the wife and husband .
她用这种手段离间这对夫妻。 - In the main, this means to give me better air to breathe .
这主要是指给我呼吸的空气要好些。 - "did this mean the end of her regime", she queried .
她问,“这是否就是她的时代终止的意思?” - This means that the referee's decisions become all-important .
这就意味着裁判员的裁决至关重要。 - This meant that everyone could soon have a personal computer .
这就是说,大家不久都会有一台个人用计算机。 - This means that the temperature and pressure are the same at all points .
这意味着温度和压力在各处都一样。 - By this means it was possible to recapitulate the life cycle of a carrot plant .
这个方法能重演胡罗卜的生活史。 - This means that constitutive equations must be framed in tensor language .
这意味着建立本构方程必须采用张量符号。 - This means that you must have the exact amount of the fare as you board the bus .
这就是说,你上车时必须有一定的车费。 - It's difficult to see this means in a sentence. 用this means造句挺难的
- This means to be the scapegoat, to be blamed for something that someone else did .
它的意思是“替罪羊”,也就是替人受过。 - By this means the age of the earth had been estimated at several hundred million years .
用这个办法推算出地球的年龄是数亿年。 - Does this mean that american economic society is hardening along caste lines .
这是否说明美国的经济社会已经形成了僵硬的等级制度? - This means that people going inside must pass through at least two airtight doors .
这意味着:人们要进去的话,至少要通过两道密封门。 - This means a total period of 100 years in which interstellar communication would be possible .
这就是说,星际通信在100年内可能实现。 - This meant that every now and then simon had to do a double shuffle to catch up with the others .
这就使得西蒙不得不时时加快步子跟上他们。 - In terms of the last example this means that it does guarantee that equibrium prices exist .
通过上面的例子可看出,它确实保证了平衡价格的存在。 - This means putting the food in picklethat is, in vinegar, salt water or some other solution .
就是把食物放在泡菜水醋、盐水或其它溶液里。 - This means that no society can predict, scientifically, its own future states of knowledge .
这意味着任何社会不可能科学地预测它自己未来的知识水平。 - We did not recognize this means of rescuing enemy pilots who had been shot down in action .
如何用this means造句,用this means造句,this means in a sentence, 用this means造句和this means的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。